begin  Patrick Kirk quotation:
> Others have suggested no attachments. Why?  What attachments have caused
> problems?  Are there some mail clients out there that force you to read


That virus that was sent to the list yesterday will have infected at
least a couple of readers of this list.  If any of those are in a
business, that business will incur costs, which will be passed on to
their customers.  Their business customers will pass those costs on,

Multiply by the systems they will infect.  Stir in a little wasted time
for the list admins if some boneheaded company along the way decides to
complain to the "source" of the email, and reads that as the list.

> If I might make a suggestion, why not offer a debian-user .procmailrc
> and .forward that does get rid oof stuff you don't need.

Unfortunately, none of those will work for the people using Windows to
view this list.

Nobody is objecting to EVERY attachment; in fact, I wish you'd have sent
all that crap you put in your message body as an attachment.  :-)

Hope you didn't have any more text after it, because I just do "d/^--"
when I get that much stuff, and delete everything down to my sig

Shawn McMahon                    | Information may want to be free, but fiber               | optic cable wants to be one million US
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | dollars per mile.

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