begin  Gary Turner quotation:
> It has been  referenced, but neither discussed nor described.  This is
> the first definition of what it is that I've seen.  All I've known is
> that looking at it raw, it is not text that I can read, so out it goes.

Also, it's complicated by the fact that Microsoft registered the
MIME-type application/, and then promptly implemented it as

I say pitch it.  At least one list I've been on has stripped those
attachments, and auto-bounced messages with that Content-Type.  Nobody
bitched; at least, if they did, we didn't see it.  :-)

There are a number of folks claiming it's vcard-type information only.
This isn't always true, it can come up for more than just that.
Microsoft documents it as including drag-and-dropped documents from
MAPI-aware applications, and there's no telling what they haven't

Bottom line is, it doesn't belong on a Linux support list.  Attachments
that accomplish something potentially useful and do so in a standard
manner accessible cross-platform are one thing; attachments that render
messages unreadable on Linux clearly don't belong here, any more than
attachments that render messages unreadable on Windows would belong in a
Windows support list.

Shawn McMahon                    | Information may want to be free, but fiber               | optic cable wants to be one million US
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | dollars per mile.

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