On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 11:28:23AM -0500, Hal Vaughan wrote:

> It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact 
> that different people learn and perceive in different ways.  Some people 
> learn and take in information best when everything is neat and orderly.  
> Others do best in what may be perceived as a chaotic environment.  Some deal 
> only with facts, others work intuitively.
> This has been proven many times and is FACT.  It's something I, as a special 
> ed teacher working in residential treatment facilities, have had to deal with 
> over and over in my life.  If you want a pop-culture example, go out and read 
> about the Myers-Briggs personality type test.

I realize that I'm taking a crazy, meandering thread even farther off
topic here, but I can't resist tossing this little detail in here.
If you want a personality-typing system that's a whole *lot* more
insightful and flexible than the ol' Myers-Briggs, check out the
Enneagram.  These folks by no means invented it, but they do some of the
most sound and usable writing on the subject:
I own a couple of their dead-tree books, and recommend them highly.

I always hated personality-typing systems in general, finding that they
always tended to either stuff people in rigid little boxes, or be so
vague you might as well use a horoscope.

With the Enneagram's flexibility (nine basic types, each can have either
of two adjacent types as a "wing", nine levels of healthy/unhealthy
continuum, each type can "integrate" or "disintegrate" to incorporate
facets of either of two more types...) it actually stands a fighting
chance of providing useful insight into the complicated, messy, organic
system that we call a person.

Of course, this comes with a little bit of a learning curve at the
beginning... kinda like Debian (or Linux in general)...

Hey, I seem to have meandered back into being kinda-sorta-maybe
Anyway, sorry if this reads like a sales pitch... But you know how it is
when you stumble upon something that's so cool you've just *got* to
share it.  Don't you?
>       -ScruLoose-       |           If it doesn't work, force it.           <
>      Please do not      |     If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.     <
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