I think that what most people who clammer for a GUI installer really want is a more easy-to-accomplish installation, not necessarily a graphics-based installation. Of course, I could be wrong. (That'd be the third time this year if I am - doh!)

My opinions:

First, I think some people were raised on WIMP interfaces and are just plain scared of text-based interfaces. Call it a mental block, but I've seen it.

Second, as far as easy-to-accomplish installation, I think what is really lacking is two things:
1. better hardware detection
The recent proliferation of desktop distros (Lindows, Libranet, Xandros) distinguish themselves by having better hardware detection and easier configuration of things like Samba and NFS.

2. don't-ask-me-questions install
Coupled with better hardware detection, this seems to be one of the first things reviewers comment on. "I just clicked a couple buttons, and when I came back in 30 minutes it was installed." True, they are only perpetuating the falicy that any idiot can run a computer, but an awful lot of idiots run Windows ("Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups").

I consider myself to be fairly computer-literate, but I still use a commercial Linux distro (Xandros, which is based on Debian) because it does what I have considered to be the more archane configuration stuff for me (nVidia drivers, printing to Windows-shared printers, exporting Samba and NFS shares).

Windows has succeeded by letting anyone do just about any stupid thing they want. What I think people need is an OS that leads them in the direction of doing intelligent things by _teaching_ them along the way. The Windows approach seems to be "we'll make it easy for the user to do stupid things (i.e. insecure things) and say it was their own fault."


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