>>"Lev" == Lev Lvovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Lev> I'm sure I'll get flamed to all hell with this, but...  is it at
 Lev> all possible that these sorts of threads could be taken off this
 Lev> list, and put on the more appropriate debian-policy list?  I'd
 Lev> really like to take something away from the discussions on the
 Lev> debian mailing lists, but subjects like these, while serving a
 Lev> VERY necessary purpose to the distro, seem a little bit too
 Lev> masturbatory, and inappropriate to a "user", and "devel" list.

        This discussion is certainly not appropriate for
 debian-policy@lists.debian.org, since that is related to *technical*
 policy for packaging. This topic has nothing technical about it; it
 is mostly socip-political.

        Hmm. Perhaps debian-project; however, that lags way behind

 Personally, should I ever form a globe spanning conglomerate, I
 intend to do it fairly and without malice or dirty politics.  I hope
 you fellows don't make that too difficult a task; I would have to
 have to have you all killed. David Neal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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