I'm sure I'll get flamed to all hell with this, but...

is it at all possible that these sorts of threads could be taken off this
list, and put on the more appropriate debian-policy list?  I'd really like
to take something away from the discussions on the debian mailing lists,
but subjects like these, while serving a VERY necessary purpose to the
distro, seem a little bit too masturbatory, and inappropriate to a "user",
and "devel" list.

-lev (where'd that asbestos suit go?)

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:

> * Duncan Findlay ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> ...
> > Mr. Long,
> > I don't know how old your daughter is, but I'm 100% sure that she will be
> > exposed to more content that you deem inappropriate than you could
> > possibly control. Perhaps instead of trying to protect your daughter from
> > the inappropriateness of life, you should attempt to teach her what is right
> > and what is wrong.
> >
> > Of course, I'm in no position to lecture on parenting -- I'm 15 years old.
> Damn right you aren't, but not because of your age. It's because
> you sound like an intelligent & reasonable sentient life form --
> something that creatures who want to limit our freedom of expression
> "For Da Kidz"(tm) are clearly not.
> Dima (if thine eye offends thee, pluck it the fuck out, Mr. Elongated)

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"What I'm wondering is what condiment you have 'confidence' in.  I like
to eat things that taste good, not ones I can vote into public office."
                                                        -Dan Mick

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