On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 07:06:09PM +0100, Frodo Baggins wrote:
> Hi debianers,
>   well, I have a debian system connected to a ISP using
> pppoe. Everithing works well with the 2.2.x kernels, but for different
> reasons, I need to install a 2.4.x kernel. 
>   Reading the file /usr/doc/pppoe/KERNEL-MODE-PPPOE I understand that
> I must recompile ppp from the tar-ball at
> http://www.shoshin.uwaterloo.ca/~mostrows/ which is a patched ppp,
> install it and then compiling rp-pppoe enabling plugins.

Actually, I never read that. I had been running woody with kernel 2.4.10 for a 
while when I got a DSL connection. I simply apt-get'ed the debian pppoe 
package, did some easy config (see /usr/doc/pppoe/README.debian) and, IT WORKED.

HTH, Joachim

Joachim Fahnenmüller
Lehrer für Mathematik und Physik

Kattowitzer Straße 52
51065 Köln

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