Hi debianers, well, I have a debian system connected to a ISP using pppoe. Everithing works well with the 2.2.x kernels, but for different reasons, I need to install a 2.4.x kernel.
Reading the file /usr/doc/pppoe/KERNEL-MODE-PPPOE I understand that I must recompile ppp from the tar-ball at http://www.shoshin.uwaterloo.ca/~mostrows/ which is a patched ppp, install it and then compiling rp-pppoe enabling plugins. This look strightforward but will obviously clash with the package structure of my machine. Just for one, intrusion-detection tools (e.g. tiger) will complain about unmatching cecksums. For another, updating will become painful. Is there another, more debian conformant, way to do it? Thanks a lot -- Leo TheHobbit IRCnet #roma2 ICQ 56656060 -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GED/CS d? s-:++ a+ C++ UL+++ P+++>+++++ E+ W++ N+ o K? !w O? M V PS+++ PE-- Y+ PPG+ t++ 5? X-- R+ tv+ b+++ DI? D G++ e*(++++) h r++ y+++(*) ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ ++