Brian Nelson wrote: > Simon Hepburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Brian Nelson wrote: > > > Those old (FX chipset?) motherboards only have a cacheable area of > > > 64MB, so using more than 64MB can actually reduce performance, though I > > > think this effect would be less significant on Linux. > > > > That would be the TX chipset. I dont think that the FX,VX Chipsets had > > this limitation. > > All the triton boards except the HX had a cacheable limit of 64MB.
The problem with these chipsets in their day was that linux 2.2 had pretty simple memory management - it just loaded as high as possible, regardless of whether the memory was cacheable or not. Does anyone know what the state of play is with 2.4 ? Is the memory management smart enough to always use cached ram in preference to uncached ram? -- Simon Hepburn.