On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 04:42:43PM +0000, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
   > > For a file manager, use rox. If your friend is comfortable with a text
   > > interface, emelfm should be very good.
   > Which package is rox in? An "apt-cache search" turns up lots of proxies
   > and the roxen challenger webserver, but nothing that looks like a file
   > manager. packages.debian.org doesn't seem to know either.
No. You cannot find it in official debian repository. Go to
http://rox.sourceforge.net and download the debs from there.
   > > You do not need gtcd to rip cd's. Install cdparanoia and lame
   > > (unofficial package). That should do the trick without pulling in the
   > > gnome libs.
   > Is there a GUI for that? So far I've been running gtcd + cdparanoia +
   > blade myself, with gtcd providing the GUI. 

Grip does provide a gui for cdparanoia + lame. Lame cannot be
distributed by debian. Get the debs from


I avoided mentioning grip because the question was to have a light
system. Using cdparanoia and lame is trivial. Lame is _supposed_ to be a
better encoder than blade. I was using blade earlier, switched over to
lame. It is much faster.


Sridhar M.A.                                mas at uomphysics dot net

While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own
form of misery.

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