John Shepherd([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
> Hi,
>       I've been making some progress with this
> first attempt at GNU/Linux and am really learning
> a lot.  I have hit a bit of a problem with
> getting an internet connection going, though.  I
> hope someone can help.
Thats what this list is for!
>       I seem to be succesfully making a PPP
> connection with wvdial. (I haven't got x-windows
> going yet, so everything is from command line
> interface).  The PPP connection with wvdial gets
> going seemingly fine, and I switch to another
> logon session with alt-F2.  At that point
> ifconfig shows the ppp0 entry and its looking
> good.  There is a local IP number and a remote IP
> number.
Sounds right.  Would help if you post its contents tho.
Saves guessing.
>       I can ping the remote IP number
> successfully.  When I attempt to ping a server by
> name, it just hangs.  I am able to 'telnet' to
> one rutgers server by ip number only as well. 
> Lynx is unable to browse any webpages by named
> URL.
Tharts Weird!
>       /etc/resolv.conf has two nameserver entries
> and I have verified with my ISP (rutgers
> university) that they are correct. 
> Unfortunately, the person at the help desk I
> spoke with there stated that they "do not support
> linux" so I wasn't able to get any further help
> from him.  I can't believe rutgers really doesn't
> support linux, so I will be pursuing that
> further.
Usually means "We only support Microsoft (because we have a cheat
sheet to fix Windows problems) and there are too many Linux Dists to
clutter my mind with"
>       In any event, I would appreciate any
> suggestions for other places I may need to change
> configurations.  I think I'm almost there..... 
> (for now, at least.  I'll probably be back to try
> to figure out why x-server won't start after I
> get this one licked).


1.  To get help you will find that starting a new thread works
better than hi-jacking someone elses thread.

2.  As there are 3 current versions of Debian, we may need to know which
one you are using to be able to help you. Do less /etc/debian_version.

Ok, to your problem.  If you can do everything using IP's and not host
names, it is a DNS problem.  Weird that lynx works tho....
What is in /etc/host.conf?  It should look like this

order hosts,bind
multi on

Post the contents of /etc/resolv.conf

Did you install a DNS server (bind or pdnsd)?  If so, they may be

I would suggest that, unless you have some pressing need for wvdial,
you install pppconfig.  It works great and is very easy to set up.  
Any programming language is at its best before it is implemented and

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