
      I've been making some progress with this
first attempt at GNU/Linux and am really learning
a lot.  I have hit a bit of a problem with
getting an internet connection going, though.  I
hope someone can help.
      I seem to be succesfully making a PPP
connection with wvdial. (I haven't got x-windows
going yet, so everything is from command line
interface).  The PPP connection with wvdial gets
going seemingly fine, and I switch to another
logon session with alt-F2.  At that point
ifconfig shows the ppp0 entry and its looking
good.  There is a local IP number and a remote IP
      I can ping the remote IP number
successfully.  When I attempt to ping a server by
name, it just hangs.  I am able to 'telnet' to
one rutgers server by ip number only as well. 
Lynx is unable to browse any webpages by named
      /etc/resolv.conf has two nameserver entries
and I have verified with my ISP (rutgers
university) that they are correct. 
Unfortunately, the person at the help desk I
spoke with there stated that they "do not support
linux" so I wasn't able to get any further help
from him.  I can't believe rutgers really doesn't
support linux, so I will be pursuing that
      In any event, I would appreciate any
suggestions for other places I may need to change
configurations.  I think I'm almost there..... 
(for now, at least.  I'll probably be back to try
to figure out why x-server won't start after I
get this one licked).

Thanks in advance for any help!

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