Hi Jeff,

many thanks for your input.

Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Andreas Goesele, 2002-Mar-05 04:00 +0100:

> > I have purged all netscape and communicator packages and installed
> > 4.79 from the netscape site into a different location. (Some of you
> > recommended so: Thanks!) But it didn't help: Still every time I try to
> > enable javascript or to enter a secure site netscape freezes if run
> > as user. (No problem if run as root.)

> Could be a permissions issue.

This is what I suspect.

> Did you install 4.79 into /usr/local as root and then install the
> java plugin into the /netscape/plugins directory also as root?
> Then, when you run netscape as a user it ought to work.

It's not a java but a javascript (and https ...) issue. For the 4.77
Debian package I had installed netscape and and netscape-java as root,
and all the files and directories in /usr/lib/netscape seem to belong
to root and group root. (Which I guess is as it should be.)

For 4.79 I just installed the tar.gz file from netscape (comes with
java?) as root into /opt/netscape and nothing more. In this case the
permissions are strange: Most files and directories belong to some
non-existing user with id 8482 and to group uucp. I changed it all to
root/root - with no avail, as I expected.

I suspect that for https and javascript (and what else?) netscape
needs some access to additional files or devices outside of the
netscape and ~/.netscape directories. But I don't have any idea what
that might be. Very strange everything, anyway.

Thanks again.

Andreas Goesele

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