On Sunday 23 March 2003 17:56, Karsten M. Self wrote:

> > Is this so?   If I type 'startx' as me (non-root) then X won't start
> > unless I go change some permissions?  (presumably, having opened a
> > console window from the X login and gone su root to do so)
> If you're saying you can't start an X session as a nonprivileged user
> from a terminal within an X session:  this is as it should be.

I think I was being a bit confused and confusing, for which my apologies, the 
bit in brackets was a half-thought-out afterthought.   My reference to su 
root was in connection with changing permissions.   I imagine I would also 
have to do the same in order to change the login to Linux command-line rather 
than starting in X.   I don't know whether this is considered bad practice 
but my experience with X display managers (both in RH *and* my sole Debian 
attempt) is that Linux *always* works and X frequently doesn't without much 
tweaking, hence my liking for the command line.

> The control for this is /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config.  The usual values are
> 'root', 'console', or 'anybody'.  This file is part of the
> xserver-common package, and can be configured with:
>    # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common
> > (I ask this because RedHat which I'm currently using does allow it by
> > default.
> RH's default configs should *not* be referred to as best practice.  

I wasn't, just as what I'm used to.

> > And I'm a *very* newbie since I just tried installing Debian,
> > failed to quite get it working, and am back in RH while I plan my next
> > attempt).
> No problems.  You've heard of chroot installs?  You *can* have it both
> ways:
>     http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DebianChrootInstall

Thanks.   Actually the install was not the problem.   Getting X to start was 
- solved that - and then getting kppp to work - and then to communicate with 
Kmail and browsers - was.


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