Did we have a bad night? I'm not used to hear such ranting from you...
Paul Johnson wrote:
Bad newbie!How can you judge! You don't even know him!
4am your time. This list works globally, and someone in another country could read this list in his coffe-break just by now. But ok, 30mins is a bit impatient...1) You just asked the *SAME* question (or at least the same subject) 30 minutes ago. Do you honestly expect an answer at 4AM on a weeknight?
You're right. But still it is non-intuitive that a regular user has not the rights to "startx" by default. man "XF86Config" and "man startx" won't tell you how to allow it to a normal user.2) Read some documentation occasionally! Everything I've seen you ask could have been answered had you tried reading for understanding instead of just skimming it when things look hard.
Some of those "please help" mails are very interesting, and occasionally those guys really need help. Please think again if you really want to use such a filter rule.3) Stop posting everything you send with "Newbie." This DOES NOT win you sympathy points of any kind; many people actually have procmail filter all subjects containing whiny subjects like "please help!" and "newbie" to /dev/null. We don't care if you're a newbie or a
That won't help. If you are a retard, a consultant won't ever give you smart answers ;)net.ghod with 30 years Unix experiance; if you act like a retard, we'll treat you like one. Likewise, if you post in an intellegent manner, we'll respond in a (hopefully) helpful manner. If you want to act like a retard and get smart answers, go hire a consultant.
This is a good idea to read, indeed. But how should a newbie know this link?To prevent such tonguelashing in the future, please ask smart questions. Eric S. Raymond tells you just what the world expects out of a call for help:
Try to calm down, have a nice cup of tea, and make the best out of your day.
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