Mark L. Kahnt wrote:

On Sun, 2003-03-23 at 05:19, Paul Scott wrote:

My sound card works. I am using KDE on the 2.4.20-k6 kernel. I have a number of midi players installed - kmid, rosegarden. They all look like they are playing midi files but I get no sound.

Understood. It's an SB AWE-64.

source Documentation directory. The package awesfx includes the programs
to load sound samples into your sound banks.

Thanks very much for all this information! I have installed the awesfx package and:
joy:/tmp# sfxload
No AWE synth device is found

Whoops - I editted the line saying what package those files are in.
Install doc-linux-text (or alternately, if you want pseudo-info format
files readable with a browser and usable via dwww, you can install

Thanks. My local copy of

doc-linux-html has been my browser home page for months.

It definitely reads like you at least don't have the AWE synth module
(which handles the MIDI side) installed,

That's the part where the links you gave me earlier didn't work in the brief amount of time I tried them. See below.

... that you don't have the main
part (for simple audio) working either.

No, I said somewhere that the KDE Control Center is able to output some kind of sound even though I haven't determined yet what the source of that was. Using KDE 3.1.1 on Sid has been a minor limitation. I can't install timidity which is what Lilypond mode in Emacs wants to use to play my music.

My main limitation is not knowing what is connected to what either logically or electronically.

The snapshot.html page is no longer there but I just got to the
and am checking that out.

playmidi tells me:
playmidi: No playback device found.
which is consistent with the missing sound bank



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