On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 03:09:55PM +1100, Matthew Dalton wrote:
> I also dist-upgraded my machine from Potato to Woody about two weeks
> ago. However, my machine is a desktop system with heaps of apps
> installed. My experiences were pretty awesome considering what I was up
> against!


> The only packages that gave me any grief were the KDE ones, as expected.
> The newer packages had the files rearranged between the different
> packages, so apt-get was unable to install packages because they were
> attempting to overwrite files from other installed packages. I think I
> ended up using 'dpkg --force-overwrite' a few times to get them
> installed. Everything else went without a hitch. I had to manually merge
> a few config files to get the intended changes from Woody into them, but
> that didn't seem unusual.
> I actually had to run dist-upgrade several times before it installed
> everything. It kept getting stuck on the KDE stuff, after which I would
> run 'apt-get -f upgrade' and 'dpkg --configure --pending' before
> starting another dist-upgrade. Eventually all that was left was to
> upgrade the broken KDE packages in the manner that I described above. I
> don't expect that this would happen on all upgrades though.

do you think it'd pay to "apt-get --purge remove <kde*>" first?
i'm considering the upgrade you just did... and my kde2 is from
nonofficial sources.list urls [kde.rap.ucar.edu] as well. :)

Ever wondered about confirming WHAT CPU, KERNEL OR DEBIAN
        cat /proc/cpuinfo
There's lots of other neat stuff under /proc, too.
(You guessed it -- "man proc" will tell you more.)
For kernel and Debian data, try
        uname -a
        cat /etc/debian_version

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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