dman wrote: > > On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 11:58:41AM -0500, Ed Lawson wrote: > | > | >On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 08:58:35AM -0600, David Bell wrote: > | > > | >| > | >| Change all references to 'stable' in /etc/apt/sources.list to 'testing' > | >| and run apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade. You're now running > | >| Woody. :) > | > | Hmmm. Isn't it better to first change the sources list, then upgrade > | Perl, then upgrade apt, dpkg, etc, and then do a dist-upgrade? Seems I > | have read that a blanket dist-upgrade from stable to testing is not as > | seamless as you suggest, but it has been awhile since I looked at this > | issue. > > It (dist-upgrade) Worked For Me last week. Admittedly it was a router > type system with not much on it (only 167MB used).
I also dist-upgraded my machine from Potato to Woody about two weeks ago. However, my machine is a desktop system with heaps of apps installed. My experiences were pretty awesome considering what I was up against! My machine had an out of date Potato install (mostly 2.2r1 with some packages updated) plus it had a rather old installation of KDE 2.0, installed from a non-official debian package source. I also had several binary packages that I had installed directly from Woody back when it still contained libc2.1, and had some other Woody packages installed that I had backported to Potato using 'apt-get source --build', like stuff for linux 2.4. Needless to say, I was expecting large problems. I was very cautious in my approach - I used 'script' to record all of my dist-upgrade sessions. I always checked the output of 'apt-get -s dist-upgrade' (-s = simulate only) before doing *anything*, and ran 'apt-get -d dist-upgrade' to download all of the packages before attempting the big upgrade. I didn't bother upgrading apt, dpkg, libc or perl before running dist-upgrade. I probably would have, had I seen some of these threads on debian-user beforehand ;). Didn't seem to make much difference in the end though - Woody seemed to be sufficiently bug-free to be able to handle it properly. The only packages that gave me any grief were the KDE ones, as expected. The newer packages had the files rearranged between the different packages, so apt-get was unable to install packages because they were attempting to overwrite files from other installed packages. I think I ended up using 'dpkg --force-overwrite' a few times to get them installed. Everything else went without a hitch. I had to manually merge a few config files to get the intended changes from Woody into them, but that didn't seem unusual. I actually had to run dist-upgrade several times before it installed everything. It kept getting stuck on the KDE stuff, after which I would run 'apt-get -f upgrade' and 'dpkg --configure --pending' before starting another dist-upgrade. Eventually all that was left was to upgrade the broken KDE packages in the manner that I described above. I don't expect that this would happen on all upgrades though. Matthew (writing this stuff from memory because I don't have my typescript files with me, so I could be a little off here and there)