On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 01:57:38PM -0600, Richard A. Smith wrote:
> Last week I did an 'apt-get update' of a debain unstable and now I've
> noticed that my /proc fs  is broke.  

This happened to me as well.  I was checking the list to see if it had
happened to anyone else.

> It appears to be mounted correctly and all the entries show up if you
> do a 'ls' but if you actually try to look at an entry its just blank.

I thought mine was mounted correctly as well.  However, when I did a
'ls -l' the directory had an Apr 1 2000 timestamp.  I was able to do a
'mount -t proc proc /proc' and get everything working.  I don't know
why it doesn't mount during startup.

> Any ideas? I realize that this is more of a kernel thing than a
> Debian thing but it seems very suspect that it appears to have broke
> after an update.

Sorry I can't be of any more help than it is happening to me too.
However, you are not alone.  Be sure to manually mount proc before you
shutdown.  The first time I tried to reboot, the system hung because
it couldn't find and pids in /proc to control the shutdown process.

"The electoral-college system was designed to protect our nation from
the ignorance of its people. And, based on the 2000 vote, it's still
dearly needed." - Manny Blake, Systems Analyst

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