dman wrote: > > On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 12:34:18PM -0800, John Quigley wrote: > | Hi, > | > | I'm porting the Torque Game Engine from Garage Games ( > to > | Linux. The engine already runs fine on several linux distributions, > | including redhat, mandrake, suse, and also debian 2.2. > | > | However it does not work on debian woody or sid. It compiles ok, but when I > | try to start it, it crashes immediately with a segfault, before it even gets > | to main(). However it works if I configure it to statically link. > | Unfortunately I need to be able to dynamically link it. I've tried both > gcc2 > | and 3 with no luck. > | > | I really want to get the engine up and running on debian, but I'm not sure > | what the next step is in debugging this problem. Any help is appreciated. > > ulimit -c unlimited > $APP # the one that segfaults > gdb $APP core > > You run the app. When it dies, load the core file into a debugger and > find out where and why. If you don't like command-line debuggers, try > GVD or DDD as gui frontends to gdb.
This is the way to go. It sounds like a libc5/6 issue. Are you compiling it on the same machine you are running it on? I have several libc5 apps that just segfault when run on a libc6 box, and I think sometimes different libc6 subversions have similar issues. Tom