Colin Watson wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 11:13:04AM -0700, Eric Richardson wrote:
>> Is it possible to create a upgrade-woody package that depends on
>> dpkg  and apt and any other prerequisites that loads them and
>> then as a post  process starts apt-get(the new version) to do the
>>  actually upgrade?
> No, because where would you put such a script, and how would you
> update it? This is a chicken-and-egg problem - it's easier and
> safer to document the procedure in the release notes.

I guess I mean a meta package or what ever it is called. If it was called upgrade-woody then it would not have a name space problem with other distributions such as upgrade-sid. This would be just like any other package so it could start stop daemons etc. In the package preinst process it could check to see if the distribution is already woody for example if this was desired as well as decide for different upgrade paths whether to load the static versions of the dpkg and apt. It could even run the screen to add the woody source to source.list. Next it would install in the correct order dpkg, apt and any other prerequisites just like any other package does at least to my knowledge. Finally, as part of it's postinst it could spawn the new apt-get version for the rest of the upgrade.

I guess I don't see how this wouldn't work. If it is upgraded it could replace the old version and in the preinst check to see if it needs to do something and then do nothing if appropriate. Maybe this is a misuse of the packaging system to call the packaging system but I'm not the one to know. Of course, use of the package would be optional, removable just like any other package.


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