Thought I'd post my experiences here with my Potato to Woody upgrade.
Being a idiot, I haven't followed this list for awhile and didn't read
the release notes until after the upgrade but I think the results may be
interesting nonetheless. Unfortunately I didn't use the script command
but I kept pretty good notes.
1. Installed potato from CDROM and http to get latest stuff including
security entry.
2. Added woody to sources.list
3. apt-get update
4. apt-get -u dist-upgrade
loaded a bunch of stuff
failed on sysvinit -- configure
5. apt-get -u -f dist-upgrade
loaded dpkg, failed on sysvinit -- configure
6. apt-get -u -f dist-upgrade
INIT 2.84 loaded + loaded some more stuff + debconf configure errors
7. apt-get -u -f dist-upgrade
Now I went thought some more configuration including the new xf86 config
stuff. This didn't work correctly? The screen said that it was going to
cp the old /etc/X11/XF86Config to /etc/X11/XF86Config.debconf-backup and
then after I answered all the questions it didn't save the file.
Error: can't stat /etc/X11/XF86Config.dexconf-tmp
This doesn't match above but don't know if this is a problem.
Now I read the notes etc. before rebooting as I wasn't 100% confident
and wanted to make sure everything was okay before rebooting and perhaps
losing a network connection.
I read the release notes. found a dead link in chapter 1 sect 1.1. The
link is http://www.debian.org/releases/3.0/i386/install.
From the Release notes I found the following in "Before Reboot".
8. apt-get install locales util-linux
but util-linux was already loaded.
locales got the following error several times - I selected en-US ISO
8859-1 and en-US.UTF8 UTF8
VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd
Only 32mb memory on the box.
Section 3.2.3 says make sure you have /etc/rcS.d before install. I
didn't check but it was there after install-don't know if it caused
problems or not.
Section 3.3.1 says "early versions use static versions of dpkg and apt,
2.1 or later can use installed apt and dpkg".
Here many people have suggested in this forum that the apt and dpkg
should be upgraded to woody first and then procede with the whole
process. I think this should be added to the notes. This is where the
suggestions diverge with some saying there should be a script etc.for
Is it possible to create a upgrade-woody package that depends on dpkg
and apt and any other prerequisites that loads them and then as a post
process starts apt-get(the new version) to do the actually upgrade? This
could even have the debconf window come up and warn the user etc. The
post process could possibly make sure the console gets logged as well if
that's possible via 'script' or some other method.
Note: that section 3.4 on upgrades doesn't mention the upgrade of dpkg
apt first.
Other actions.
9. apt-get install man-db
10. apt-get install xfonts-base
I did this as the xserver couldn't find 'fixed' font and died.
11. apt-get install xbase-clients
I did this as startx not found so I started previous attempts with X.
This fixed it so a could use startx.
I got lots of errors about debconf during the upgrade plus a bunch of
perl errors. Does debconf also have to be loaded early in the process?
Reboot went fine. It seems I'm still using XFree 3.3.x. How do I upgrade
this to use v4?
I have a 3dfx Voodoo3 PCI. Is it supported?
Also, if I want to try different kernels, what is suggested, apt-get ...?
Thanks, and hope this helps as well. Pretty pleased overall as most
everything is working.