begin  Matijs van Zuijlen  quotation:

> >Will the flat panel display be limited to just one resolution (eg
> >1024x768)?
> If my 800x600 laptop screen is any indication, no. It will also work at 
> lower resolutions. Visually, this can have two effects: Either some pixels 
> are bigger than others, since they need to be made up of a whole number of 
> 'real' pixels, or there is some anti-aliasing done, which looks much 
> better.

Or the lower-resolution image simply takes up only a portion of the
display (usually centered).

I don't own a flat-panel desktop display, but I've used laptops with
color LCD displays. The IBM Thinkpad 600E that my I used at a previous
job allowed for either stretching or centering of sub-1024x768 modes.
The stretching looked vile, so I preferred centering.


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