On Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 01:13:11PM -0600, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> I have a 15" and 17" TFTs at work. For me 15" is not enough scren real 
> estate to use X, so that box runs in 1024x768 framebuffer console. The
> only problem with that is that it's noticeably slow in high-colour
> (> 256) modes; on 256-colour framebuffer fbi fails to render high-colour 
> images (but this has nothing to do with the screen being TFT).

How does using framebuffer console give you more screen real estate than
under X? A good window manager could give you borderless windows, so
where does that screen real estate really go? Wouldn't using X give you
more fonts to choose from, and higher speed?

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