On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 12:31:31AM +1300, Cameron Kerr wrote:
| I found some interesting information on the imwheel homepage that
| concerned anyone running gpm as well as X4 (ie. most people)
| Here's a link to the page
| http://jcatki.2y.net/imwheel/
| And heres the relevant part of the page
| XFree86 4.0 usage with GPM and/or JAM UPDATE:XFree 4.0a (an internal
| working product of the xfree86 group, is said to have fixed this problem.
| I have submitted a request to join the xfree86 organization. If I get such
| approval, I will make sure that imwheel, gpm, and future XFree86 releases
| are compatible. Meanwhile use the XGrabButton method to get things done
| and avoid using gpm/jam type programs. XFree86 4.0 has a broken mouse
| driver in the respect that it fails to work with FIFOs. Because of this
| problem, only Method #1, the XGrabButton method, will work. You should
| disable GPM or at least NOT run it with the "-R" nor "-W"  arguments. If
| your mouse works with the XServer's mouse driver and you can use the ZAxis
| wheel to button mapping, then run IMWheel without the -W/--wheel-fifo
| option. Using -k will have no effect, and you may see a warning, but it is
| just a warning, not an error. It will complain that another imwheel
| process may be running but that we don't do anything with that, because we
| don't need to! I am looking into the reasoning behind messing the FIFO
| ability up, and I have looked into the source code for XFree86 4.0, and I
| think it is because they try to do more interaction with the mice on
| initialization, but the problem is that FIFOs are one way communication
| channels, thus no FIFO mouse emulation will work because it cannot send
| the proper responses back to the driver. So we'll have to wait and see
| where this goes. Meanwhile I'm also considering making a replacement
| mouse.so module to fix what they broke.

Huh.  I wonder what all this really means ...  I had heard, a while
back, that imwheel was no longer needed since X now supports the
scroll wheel directly.  I've never actually used imwheel myself.  I
also have never seen any problems with gpm+X that weren't PEBKAC.
Maybe it depends on the repeat protocol that you specify for gpm.  gpm
seems to only support 'ms3' and 'raw' as repeat type.  If I use ms3, I
don't get scrolling.  If I use raw (*and use the same protocol in X
that gpm uses, ie "imps2" and "IMPS/2"*) then everything works

Can someone who experiences the problems described above verify or
discredit my hypothesis that configuring gpm and X as I described
makes the problem vanish?



Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to
look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from
being polluted by the world.
        James 1:27

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