I found some interesting information on the imwheel homepage that concerned anyone running gpm as well as X4 (ie. most people)
Here's a link to the page http://jcatki.2y.net/imwheel/ And heres the relevant part of the page XFree86 4.0 usage with GPM and/or JAM UPDATE:XFree 4.0a (an internal working product of the xfree86 group, is said to have fixed this problem. I have submitted a request to join the xfree86 organization. If I get such approval, I will make sure that imwheel, gpm, and future XFree86 releases are compatible. Meanwhile use the XGrabButton method to get things done and avoid using gpm/jam type programs. XFree86 4.0 has a broken mouse driver in the respect that it fails to work with FIFOs. Because of this problem, only Method #1, the XGrabButton method, will work. You should disable GPM or at least NOT run it with the "-R" nor "-W" arguments. If your mouse works with the XServer's mouse driver and you can use the ZAxis wheel to button mapping, then run IMWheel without the -W/--wheel-fifo option. Using -k will have no effect, and you may see a warning, but it is just a warning, not an error. It will complain that another imwheel process may be running but that we don't do anything with that, because we don't need to! I am looking into the reasoning behind messing the FIFO ability up, and I have looked into the source code for XFree86 4.0, and I think it is because they try to do more interaction with the mice on initialization, but the problem is that FIFOs are one way communication channels, thus no FIFO mouse emulation will work because it cannot send the proper responses back to the driver. So we'll have to wait and see where this goes. Meanwhile I'm also considering making a replacement mouse.so module to fix what they broke. Hope this may help someone. Cameron Kerr -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/~cameronk/