On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 10:39:58PM -0700, Robert L. Harris wrote:
>   I'm trying to do a first time cups install for my HP parallel printer.
> The "cupsomatic-ppd" package in sid claims to have the cupsomatic script
> to configure it but I'm not finding it.
>   Is there a tool to easily configure cups for one of these?

i just did this yesterday for an HP 5mp and an Hp 2100m. in both cases i
used the web interface to set up the printers with cups, and both
printer models were options in the setup.

when you you say you are not finding it, do you mean the driver for
your model is not listed, or you can't find cupsomatic in order to
generate the printer driver?

Serge Rey       http://typhoon.sdsu.edu/rey.html
emacs "Powerful, but only for those who have more time than sense."
        Stewart Stremler

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