Hi Bill!

On Wed, 06 Feb 2002, Bill Wohler wrote:
>   Thanks for the pointer. This is what I was looking for. I ran:
>     mkboot /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.17-686-smp
>   However, this creates a floppy that panics when it tries to mount the
>   root filesystem. Something about device 302. My root filesystem is on
>   /dev/hda2. I tried adding the -r /dev/hda2 option to no avail.
>   Thoughts?

looks like you're using a debian supplied kernel that uses initrd. i don't
know if mkboot works with initrd, i don't use it but compile kernels
myself. you maybe want to give that a try. otherwise man lilo.conf
regarding initrd for the floppy might help

> > otherwise you want should take a look at the mkrboot package
>   Another good pointer. Any suggestions on its use? I tried it with the
>   lilo loader, and it wants a file called root.bin which is nowhere to
>   be seen. The man page does not indicate how to make it, nor does
>   /usr/share/doc/mkrboot offer any examples (I suppose I should write up
>   a bug report against mkrboot for that).

root.bin is a gzip compressed image of a root file system as used on the
debian install disks (rescue, root,....), see section 9.2f of the debian
installation instructions

a bug report regarding lacking docs would be great.

yours martin
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