On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Vegh Karoly wrote:

> Feb 05 18:57:28 Call to tei 69 from   on    CONNECT (Data)
> Feb 05 18:57:28 Call to tei 69 from   on    INTERFACE isdn0 called by 9905
> Feb 05 18:57:36 Call to tei 69 from   on    Normal call clearing (Private
> network serving local user)
> Feb 05 18:57:36 Call to tei 69 from   on    HANGUP ( 0:00:08)
> what is this normal call clearing?

The log messages seem a bit different to what I'm used to.  I'm using the
Debian package of isdnutils, version 3.0-20 on a potato system.  What are
you using?

If I'm not mistaken, "normal call clearing" is good news; it means the
incoming call is accepted.  Then the calling computer seems to hang up for
some reason (If the receiving computer was hanging up the message would
have been "local hangup").

I used to occasionally get this in automatic dial mode when both computers
try to dial at the same time.  Try setting the dialmode to manual on both

isdnctrl dialmode <interface-name> manual

Then try dialling out on one computer:

isdnctrl dial <interface-name>

and post info. about what happens.

|      George Karaolides       8, Costakis Pantelides St.,         |
|      tel:   +357 99 68 08 86                  Strovolos,         |
|      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Nicosia CY 2057,         |
|      web:   www.karaolides.com      Republic  of Cyprus          |

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