On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Vegh Karoly wrote:

> also they do see eachother, they connect, but they also sofort do a
> HANGUP, and this is what i dont like...
> what/how shall i fix it?
> TO tell the truth i dont know what should happen, but i await at least
> that a ping goes through... what should be the next step?

Please do:

isdnctrl list <interface-name>

on both computers, and post the output.

Best regards,

|      George Karaolides       8, Costakis Pantelides St.,         |
|      tel:   +357 99 68 08 86                  Strovolos,         |
|      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Nicosia CY 2057,         |
|      web:   www.karaolides.com      Republic  of Cyprus          |

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