On 27 Jan 2002, Andreas Goesele wrote:

>Cameron Kerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Well, if the error is indeterminate, then I would start to suspect your
>> hardware. Errors such as this often indicate bad memory, in my
>> experience. Getting segfaults all the time is a classic example of this.
>> Get hold of memtest86 (http://www.teresaudio.com/memtest86/) and give your
>> memory a good going over.
>Three completed runs, all 16 tests, no error.

OK, so thats your memory tested...

>> Running crashme off a boot floppy might also be, ah, interesting...
>Would this, run by a simple computer user - except possibly crashing my
>system - produce information which could help to pinpoint the problem?

Its not meant to pinpoint the problem. If the system crashes, that would
be a problem, if not, the CPU/kernel is (as far as running operations go)
okay. But, yeah. I've never used it myself, I just pointed it out because
it may come in useful ;)

>The problem BTW returned again, now the third time, again only for
>some minutes. It started during a cron job and started and *ended*
>during heavy disk activity. (Actually it ended when I started memtest
>for a third run which seemed to cause some swapping activity.)
>Maybe, I should test my hard disks. What programs would you recommend
>for that?

Well then, if it only happens during periods of high disk activity, I
would still suspect your hardware. We've already determined its not likely
to be your memory, but it could well be some other conflict. Perhaps if
you remove _all_ unnecessary drivers from the kernel (easiest if you are
running a very modular kernel), then you can start to tell what is

Make sure you are running a recent kernel. Also, please give details as to
your (detailed) hardware specs, paying particular attention to chipsets,
and the drivers used.

I hope this may shed some light on your predicament. If not, start
removing hardware, such as sound cards, and seeing if that starts to make
any difference.

Good luck.

Cameron Kerr

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