On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 06:32:50PM +0100, Mathias Gygax wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 08:21:29PM -0600, Adam Majer wrote:
> > > what about the FSF?
> > 
> > Can I get Tribes 2 from them? :)
> sorry, i was dreaming. some of these games have of course contracts to
> not releasing the source code for it.
> but the idea would be nice, if the FSF could provide free and quality
> games. but i live in another universe ;)

There are no real quality games since they cost a great deal of money
to make. Or great deal of time and effort. IMHO, games are not
important hence if they are only non-free or otherwise then I don't
mind that much..

Heck, you can't get everyting as free-beer. IMO, if you buy games
and stuff you should buy them for Linux just to support futher

If companies cannot make money writing software for Linux
distributions, then the develpment stops.

- Adam

PS. I was going to buy Railroad Tycoon [old but I like it] from
Loki but I don't have money for the next few months... Maybe
in march. I hope that they will still exist then :)

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