On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 15:21:33 -0800
ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 25 January 2002 03:07 pm, Dave Carrigan wrote:
> > Corey Halpin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >   God, with wine?  That'd be _glacial_.
> >
> > Out of curiosity, why would you say that? Have you had experience
> > running anything under wine? I've never seen any significant performance
> > problems with the software I've been able to run under Wine.
> out of curiousity, what software have you been able to run under wine?

For moi: WinAmp, WinZip (not that useful when there are better gnu/linux
alternatives), Apple's QuickTime player (for watching movie trailers
downloaded from http://www.apple.com/trailers/, the only major video
format I'm unable to watch with native players), Microsoft Encarta 97,
and a number of other reference or kiddie CDROM titles (those that claim
to be win3.1-compatible tend to be more wine-compatible).

I also remember playing a FPS demo from a UK comp mag cover disk. I
forget its title (simply because I'm not a frag freak) but I'm sure it's
not Quake. As for major applications I remember running and crashing a
cover disk version of Lotus Smart Suite (version '97+). Note that my
hard drive is 100% vfat-free.

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