On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 10:09:40PM -0800, Mike Egglestone wrote: | Hello, | I'm having trouble sending email from my potato box. | This is part of the log from /var/log/exim/mainlog | Can anyone tell me whats happening?
| 2002-01-16 21:59:34 16Qztk-0002M9-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] | routing defer (-42): retry time not reached The message with id "16Qztk-0002M9-00" is currently deferred as a result of some error earlier. At this point in time, the retry time (the delay before trying again) hasn't been reached. Running "exim -qff" will force it to try delivering right now. | 2002-01-16 21:59:34 16QsgG-0000Zg-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] | T=remote_smtp defer (-44): retry time not reached for any host Same for this message. The "T=" here refers to the transport that exim is supposed to use for this message. | 2002-01-16 22:04:37 16QhUU-00009p-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] | T=remote_smtp defer (-19): | Remote host fc.sd57.bc.ca [] | closed connection after end of data This message is being delivered with the "remote_smtp" transport. It connected to the remote host, specified the envelope (mail from and rcpt to) and also sent the data section (the contents of the envelope, the actual message itself). However the remote machine closed the TCP socket (connection) prior to acknowledging that it has the message and accepts responsibility for it. Thus the transfer is considered to have not happened, and exim will defer the message until it tries again later. Either you have something misconfigured that causes the remote systems to reject your messages (but they should give a real error message rather than simply dropping the connection), or the problem is not your fault. I recommend trying to send a message manually (use telnet) and see exactly what the interaction with the remote host is. Aternatively, you can run exim with the -v option to see the SMTP interaction on stderr. eg : $ /usr/sbin/exim -v <remote_addr> < file_with_rfc822_message If it turns out that, for whatever reason, it is not possible to deliver messages directly from your system, try using your ISP as a smarthost and let them deal with getting the message to the destination. HTH, -D -- Failure is not an option. It is bundled with the software.