On Wednesday 16 January 2002 10:09 pm, Mike Egglestone wrote: > Hello, > I'm having trouble sending email from my potato box. > This is part of the log from /var/log/exim/mainlog > Can anyone tell me whats happening? > thanks > Mike > > 01-16 21:48:08 End queue run: pid=10987 > 2002-01-16 21:59:34 Start queue run: pid=11007 > 2002-01-16 21:59:34 16Qztk-0002M9-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] routing > defer (-42): retry time not reached > 2002-01-16 21:59:34 16QsgG-0000Zg-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] > T=remote_smtp defer (-44): retry time not reached for any host > 2002-01-16 22:04:37 16QhUU-00009p-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] > T=remote_smtp defer (-19): Remote host fc.sd57.bc.ca [] > closed connection after end of data
it looks as though the connection is being made but your mailer isn't actually sending any packages. what app are you using to compose and send your mail?