On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 06:06:23PM -0500, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
> I'd like to be able to open PDFs from mutt. Right now when I try to "v"iew
> a PDF it shows me a stream of text in the mutt window. (Would it make a
> difference if the PDF was sent from a Mac vs. a PC?)
> I've added:
>           .mime.types add the line:
>                application/pdf pdf
>           In .mailcap add the lines:
>                # Use xpdf to view PDF files.
>                application/pdf; xpdf -err %s
> according to the man pages....but it's not working. Am I supposed to
> source something for this to work? I thought just closing and then
> re-opening mutt would be enough.

I have the following section for pdf in my .mailcap:

application/pdf;  mutt_bgrun  /usr/bin/X11/gv '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
application/pdf;  pdftotext %s -; copiousoutput

this is more or less copied from gary johnson's setup, at 

I find the mutt_bgrun script descriped there (and used above)
essential, as is mutt_octet_view for viewing (especially) M$ office

> Also on the HTML + mutt front, someone else recommended this recently,
> which means I can now reply to an HTML email and I get a plain text email
> (which is GREAT). Unfortunately I now get the emails in plain text as
> well. It's not a huge big deal--and I'm convinced I'll switch, but is 
> there any way to view in HTML and reply in text? Thanks!
> in .mailcap:
> text/html; lynx -force_html %s
> text/html; lynx -force_html -dump %s; copiousoutput

can't help you there...

> emma :)
> -- 
> Emma Jane Hogbin
> [[ 416 417 2868 ][ www.xtrinsic.com ]]
> -- 
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