This is my first submission to this newsgroup
so please bear with me. :-)
I installed Debian 2.2 R7 I3 and I have gcc 2.2.19.
I downloaded the Nvidia 4191 drivers right off of their web site
http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?IO=linux_display_ia32_1.0-4191 . I downloaded the GLX SOURCE RPM tar
Kernel Tar Files. When I
run make install in the kernel folder, it tells me that it fails a sanity check.
It says that it have a problem
with a shared library CC I believe but it doesn't
give me anything more specific.
- Re: Nvidia Issues Bill Olson
- Re: Nvidia Issues nate
- Re: Nvidia Issues Rob Weir
- Re: Nvidia Issues Bill
- Re: Nvidia Issues Jerome Acks Jr