On Saturday 29 December 2001 06:55, Erik Steffl wrote:
> > > i find the tabs rather confusing. but then again, my desktop is
> > > simply four xterms (10 desktops thereof), and i usually don't
> > need > more...
> > 
> > I suppose you're talking about programs that require user
> > interaction (foreground processes). Aside from the hassle of
> > manually opening 10 different tabs, can you cite an instance where
> > having ten instant shell sessions is actually useful?
>   he says 10 desktops, not tabs.

That's the detail I decided to pass over. 10 desktops seems indecent. I 
can't see what applications you would run in 10 desktops that can't be 
done in 2 desktops and 10 (powershell/konsole) tabs. Personally I want 
the CLI stuff to go with other CLI stuff and the X stuff with other 
X stuff.

Sir Isaac Newton:
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

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