also sprach csj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.12.28.0807 +0100]:
> From the powershell package description: "PowerShell is a GNOME/Gtk+ 
> based terminal emulator which supports many terminals in a  single 
> window (limited only by available RAM). Each terminal is given a 
> "notebook" tab which makes switching between terminals easy."

if powershell or KDE could (maybe now they can, not last time i
checked) be spawned such that you'd have, say, four tabs with four
command lines executed therein, it would be worth the consideration...

i find the tabs rather confusing. but then again, my desktop is simply
four xterms (10 desktops thereof), and i usually don't need more...

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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