on Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 11:38:43AM -0500, Brian Nelson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> "Karsten M. Self" <kmself@ix.netcom.com> writes:
> >   - It's (largely) bound to a specific viewer.  Which, if you don't use
> >     emacs, isn't particularly usable, and is about as intuitive
> >     as...well, emacs.  This has changed as additional viewers are
> >     avilable (e.g.:  pinfo -- based on lynx...but, of course, I don't
> >     care for lynx's keybindings, and use w3m instead....)
> Funny, I prefer w3m over links and lynx because of its emacs-like key
> bindings.  :)

W3M has, to my mind, fewer surprises.  One of the things about Info is
that an awful lot of key combinations lead you places, from whence
returning is difficult.  It's also easier IMO to find and read the help
reference in W3M.  Riddle me this, but I find a full-screen help page
much more useful than a half-height one such as you get with emacs, vim,
or info.  I've come to use 'screen' extensively, and find that I'm more
comfortable rapidly cycling between multiple full buffers than trying to
read two half-height windows.

I don't dislike emacs keybindings per se (I find most legacy MS Windows-
centric word processors unusable because I expect to find C-a, C-e, C-k,
C-p, C-n, C-s, C-r, etc., on them.  Abiword's supposed to have an emacs
mode though I haven't got it to work).  That said, I find vi a more
comfortable editor generally.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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