on Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 09:27:31AM -0800, Rodney D. Myers ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hash: SHA1
> Are there any guides, etc, in the moving from RedHat over to Debian?
> I'm using RH 6.2, but am seriously looking at leaving that distro.

My own solution was to install Debian underneath an operating RH system
by way of a chroot jail.  It's an idea I got from Rob Walker, then of VA
$WHATEVER, who'd told me of a chroot Debian environment which had been
set up on a VA server for the Debian team.

In my case I did a shutdown after carving out a partition for the
install, installed a base Debian system, *didn't* select packages or
install LILO, and booted back to RH.  Then it was:

    $ cd /debian-install
    $ chroot . bin/bash

...at that point, this particular shell thinks it's in a Debian system.

Install additional packages, test things out.  When the process was
sufficiently advanced, I checked by booting between systems, then when
satisfied, transferred /home and /usr/local to mount under Debian, and
gradually blew away the RH system, reclaiming space.

Not the fastest switchover, but I _always_ had at least one functioning


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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