I'm tryong to install Debian on my Computer
I've tried Debain v2.2r4.1 and Woody, I have always the same error message
when trying to install modules:
depmod: can't open /lib/modules/2.2.19/modules.dep dor writing
So, in the next step (modules config), I have the message: no modules were
found in /target/lib/modules/2.2.19
I tried to use cd-rom and floppy, I have always the same problem. And I
tried 3 different CD, 4 differents floppies.
My computer: Tekram SCSI card (recognised by Debian), 3 SCSI HD, motherboard
MSI KT266A, Geforce 2, NE2000 network card

Thank you for the help
Best Regards
julien Sobrier, France

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