* Nathan E Norman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly: > On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 07:45:54PM -0600, shock wrote: > > I just did apt-get install cdrecord. I have an all-SCSI system, so my > > SCSI driver is compiled into the kernel. Following is the problem I'm > > experiencing: > > Ok, you've got SCSI CD-ROM support ... do you have SCSI generic > support? "cat /proc/devices" should contain the line "21 sg" in the > character devices section.
doh! i had left out the generic SCSI stuff. thanks! that got me back on track. -- ____) ,_) ,_) (-(__ |_ _ _ |/ ____) | |(_)(_ |\ ( \_, _______________________________________________ | http://www.exitwound.org : hard to find | _______________________________________________ | Spectacularism: A fascination with extreme | | situations. -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation | | X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture" | _______________________________________________ -------------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK------------- | Version: 3.1 | | GJ/IT d- s: a C+++>$ UL++++ P+++ L+++ E--- W++| | N+@ o K- w O- M- V PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+@ 5@ X++ | | R tv+@ b+ DI++++ D+ G++ e++++ h---- r+++ y+++ | --------------END GEEK CODE BLOCK--------------