This topic has been discussed in great depth on many occasions. If you
really want to know what how every feels about this I suggest that YOU read
the archives before filling up everyone's mail box with more why don't
people RTFM posts.


On 2001.12.10 09:01 Nicolás Conde wrote:
>    Hello.
>    I don't mean to be rude with this, but i've noticed that few people
> do their homework before posting. I've seen some questions over and over
> again for which answers exist in the {manual pages | list archives}.
>    Looking for existing answers (IOW doing your own research) before
> posting helps everyone: you learn about your OS and your computer,
> becoming a better {admin | user}; and also reduces the amount of
> messages received by subscribers everyday.
>    So, without wanting to ofend anyone, before you post a question
> 1. RTFM (Read The Friendly Manual)
> 2. Search the {archives | HOW-TOs}
> 3. Ask your local {Linux | Unix} guru (if you have one)
> and if this doesn't help (which I doubt) drop some lines to this list.
>    Thanks all, enjoy Linux.
> --
> -= Nicolás Conde - SSAA =-
> La verdad te hara libre, pero antes te hara enojar.
>               Anonimo.
> -- 
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