on Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 07:11:29PM +1100, Matt Chipman wrote:
> I have tried both blackbox and window maker and when they load, they 
> are in 16mill colors and at 800*600 but when i open a program such as 
> irc or any other type app, the application is huge and sometimes goes 
> off the screen so much so i cant reach the buttons on the top half or 
> bottom half of the screen with the mouse.

My laptop is limited to 800x600, but I use X (4.1) all the time with no
problems what so ever. I use Blackbox with a smallish theme and lots of
workspaces - this combined with bbkeys makes it easy for me to quickly
flip between workspaces. 

I also use AA fonts where possible as they are much more readable at
smaller sizes, using this I can fit 4 80x25 xterms in a single
workspace and them still be just about readable.  

I've also hacked my ~/.gtkrc 'theme' to use a smaller fonts so all my
gtk and gnome apps fit much nicer. 

If an app does open too large, in blackbox ( and other wm's too I
think ) holding down ALT and click dragging the oversized window
allows you to drag it so you can reach the title bar buttons and
resize it something more conservative.

  -- mallum

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