I seem to be having some difficulties with Quake 3 Arena and Linux IP masquerading. First, the technical details. My Internet connection is a Verizon PPPoE ADSL connection. The IP masquerading box is a home built 100Mhz AMD K5 machine with 64MB of memory. It is running Debian "woody" using a stock 2.2.17 kernel. I am using v3.0 of Roaring Penguin's PPPoE client. The only PPPoE option I am using that I think is relevant to this discussion is that I have "TCP maximum segment size clamping" enabled (the -m option to `pppoe') and it is set to "1412". And I do have the "ip_masq_quake.o module" loaded.
The box that I am playing Quake 3 Arena on is a Windows XP machine. The problem that I am experiencing is that I frequently get the "disconnected" icon during game play. It increases in frequency whenever I am in a room with a lot of other players, however it doesn't come on at all if I am by myself on the server. I am fairly certain the problem is with the IP masquerading box because when I hook up the WinXP machine directly to the DSL modem and use WinXP's builtin PPPoE client, I don't get the disconnected icon at all! Does anybody have any clues as to what could be the problem here? What settings on the IP masq box should I investigate? I am suspecting the "TCP mss clamping" might have something to do with it. Am I right to suspect that? Thanks in advance for any help with this. - Arcadio