hello, just in case someone here happens to know.... i downloaded un-offical woody images from
http://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/debian-cd/unofficial/woody/i386/ i have a woody box at home that's been off the 'net for about 6 months. i was hoping to upgrade some packages. i moved my sources.list to another file, touched a new sources.list... apt-cdrom add-ed disk 1 from this set... apt-get update then apt-get -s upgrade ... love the -s! so, the upgrade list is huge... my concern is that the packages mention hurd on a lot of them, such as: less [less from hurd] in the case of the package less. i upgraded less, and it works fine. any thoughts on what the [packagename from hurd] means? .... could it be normal? it appears on the majority of the package... tia, jason -- registered linux user #202942 http://counter.li.org/ ---------------------------- http://www.theigloo.dhs.org