> I've seen some posts here saying that people should not install Ximian
> if they use Woody. Is there a reason why?

Hi there !

Here's the reply i got from Ximian about what you were wondering (Was in the
same case, and, if i had known, would have been staying with potatoe : If it
works, don't fix it !)


On Fri, 2001-11-09 at 11:58, spear wrote:
> Hi there !
> I'm interested, even if i already have the cd from a magazine, but for
> supporting such a good work you're doing, in buying the CD & boxed Ximian
> ... Just 2 questions :
> 1) I'm using a Debian Woody ... should i wait for a Ximian release
> the support of that Debian release ?
> 2) Do i have to import from USA or do you have some local european (french
> ?) resellers ?

Ximian GNOME does not support Debian Woody.  We do not support any beta
software because betas are constantly changing and are not considered to
be stable.  We will not support that version until it is officially
released as Debian 3.0.

We do not currently have any distributors in Europe.  We would love to
have our customers go to the local software store to pick up a copy, but
we're not there yet.  ;-)

Thank you for your inquiry.  If you have any further questions or
concerns feel free to contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pete Goodall
  Support Tech
  Ximian, Inc.

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