On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 09:09:24PM -0800, jennyw wrote:
> It helps to know why people are suggesting to not go with Ximian. I guess if
> the same stuff is available via apt there's not much of a point.

This is not the only reason -- Ximian's packages often conflict a bit
nonsensically with packages (and not necessarily Gnome-related ones)
from Debian main, and don't integrate as nicely with a Debian system as
the "real" packages do.

> > I currently have Potato on a system that I'm going to upgrade to Woody
> > at one point. I was thinking of installing Ximian Gnome on it in the
> > meantime ... is this going to cause huge problems?
> >
> > Should I just upgrade to Woody and not even bother with Ximian in the
> > meantime?

How soon are you planning on upgrading? If not for a while, go Ximian,
as the packages are recent and Ximian's Gnome distribution is pretty
nicely polished. If soon, then don't bother, as it's not worth the
trouble rooting out all of your Ximian packages when time comes to move
to Debian's own.


Andrew Sione Taumoefolau

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