On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 08:50:36AM +0100, Bernhard Aichinger wrote:
| On Thursday 15 November 2001 00:04, Andrew Agno wrote:
| > Try using your favourite high level package manager and search for
| > ppd.
| or use the file(s) from the windows driver disk and put them into 
| /usr/share/cups/model/

Unfortunately not all windows drivers use PPD files.  However if that
one does :
    o   MS calls them *.SPD
    o   they are in MacOS text format, you will need to convert the
        CR-only line endings to LF-only for it to work
        (if you use vim, open the file and :s/^M/\r/g and you'll be
        all set, the ^M means press Ctrl-V then Enter (or Ctrl-M))


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